A new Home Website

Welcome friends of the bug. We have a new, fast and free website in that order. The Code Bug was about to spend a fortune on a fast WordPress website when he realised you can get an even faster one for free.
We're hosted on GitHub and the site is small so it loads super fast. The code bug likes ultra-fast sites. He thinks your time is important.

So what can the code Bug's new site do?

As you are scrolling notice a orange bar at the top of the screen. Me likey.

It loads fast:

time curl -s 'http://thebugcode.github.io' > ~/Desktop/file.txt  
Time    0.648s  

Those are Tesla acceleration numbers right there.

What else can it do?


It can pretend the Code Bug is quoting people he never actually read.

Code snipets

Syntax highlighting Swift code as if it were javascript. But hey, it works

class SwiftClass {  
    func foo() {
Amsterdamul și bicicletele :)

Amsterdamul e singurul oraș din lume în care numărul bicicletelor este mai mare ca cel al locuitorilor. Haideți să vă povestesc mai multe despre bicicletele din Amsterdam :)

Posted by Jurnal de observator on Thursday, October 8, 2015

At the end of the page we have disqus comments. Feel free to never use them and when you do, insult as many people as you can

The Code Bug

A passionate iOS developer. Looking to radically improve the way we all develop software.
